Police system will be tight in Hapur: ASP reached police station Dehat, said - carelessness is not tolerated

Hapur News: To keep the police system efficient, ASP Rajkumar Aggarwal is inspecting the police stations from time to time. On Friday, ASP conducted the annual inspection of the police station Dehat. During the inspection, necessary instructions were given to the station in-charge while checking the visitor register along with the police station premises.

ASP Rajkumar Aggarwal took stock of the lock-up from Malkhana and Havalat

was given a guard of honor when he reached the police station. ASP along with police station in-charge Inspector Mahendra Singh visited the police station premises. After this, he carefully inspected the police mess, warehouse, computer room, accountant room and records and took stock of the complaint register and the arrangements of the police station. While giving directions to the subordinate police officers and employees, he said that they should ensure security in the procession taken out on the festival of Holi and ensure that the procession is completed peacefully by keeping an eye on the anarchists. If anyone tries to spread anarchy during the procession, then action will be taken against him also.

Police station incharge will be honored for doing commendable work

Rajkumar Aggarwal said that the station in-charge has done commendable work in some cases and there are many such cases in which negligence has been done. In cases of negligence, the station in-charge has been instructed to send the report as soon as possible. The station in-charge has also been encouraged for the commendable work he has done.

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