
On December 20, 2023, Sri Lanka has decided to impose a one-year moratorium on allowing foreign vessels to conduct research in its maritime limits.

main point-

Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Ali Sabari made this announcement amid repeated appeals to allow the Chinese surveillance ship into Sri Lankan territorial waters. 

China was seeking permission for another research ship to stop in Sri Lankan waters in January 2024.

Sri Lanka has also developed Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for foreign military ships and aircraft visiting the country.

The guidelines prescribed under the SOP have been sent to all countries that have deployed their ships in Sri Lankan waters during the last 10 years.

India had objected-

China regularly sends its research/surveillance vessels to Sri Lanka. 

In August 2023, the Chinese Navy warship ' HAI Yang 24 HAO ' came on a two-day visit. 

China's survey and research ship ' Xi Yan 6' was docked at Sri Lanka's Colombo port in October 2023 despite India's objection.

This ship did research work with the ' National Aquatic Resources and Development Agency ' in the Indian Ocean.

In August 2023, the Chinese ballistic missile and satellite surveillance ship ' Yuan Yang 5' reached Hambantota port in Sri Lanka. 
India had protested when this ship reached and stopped there. 

India is concerned that the high-tech surveillance systems of these ships may try to spy on Indian defense establishments en route to Sri Lanka. 

Questions for preliminary exam-

Question- Consider the following statements.

(A) ' HAI Yang 24 HAO ' is a ballistic missile of North Korea.

(B) ' Yuan Yang 5' is China's latest rocket launcher.

(C) ' Xi Yan 6' is a spacecraft sent by China to the Moon.

How many of the above statements are/are correct?

(a) only one

(b) only two 

(c) all three

(d) none

Answer- (d)

Questions for main exam-


India is concerned that the high-tech surveillance system of Chinese ships may try to spy on Indian defense establishments en route to Sri Lanka. Review this concern of India.

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