Salaar: Part 1-Ceasefire Movie Story Explained in English | Prabhas Movie | Exam Target HK Review

Hello friends welcome all of you to the brand new and latest post of our blog where in today's post we are going to talk about the most awaited movie of the year Salaar and trust me like people. Everyone's wait for this film was worth it and if I talk about this film then this film is so amazing that we can call it Prashant Neel's masterpiece film whose level was exactly like KGF and KGF Chapter Two. So, in today's video we will talk in detail about the movie Salaar and tell about the story of this movie and its ending, but let me tell you one thing here that the story of this movie is a bit complicated. And there are many such scenes inside the film, which are actually connected to where, it will be known much later in the film, so I will explain the story of this film to all of you in a very simple way so that you all can understand its story. So that there is no problem, if all of you are fond of knowing the story of such films, then we have also told Dunki film for all of you. That was posted on our blog yesterday. And all the people who have seen that post are liking that post and the story of Dunki Movie very much, so if there is anyone among you who has not seen that post yet, then you should quickly see that post. And yes, those who are new here need to bookmark the blog. So, without any delay, let's start today's wonderful post and know about the story of Salaar movie in detail. The story of this movie is about two small children, both of them are 10-12 years old, their names are Wardha and Deva and they both are very good friends of each other. At the beginning of the film, both of them are playing together but then Vardha is harassed by some children who are much older than her. But seeing this the god got angry Goes and helps his friend Vardha and he saves his friend by beating them all and here we come to know that both Vardha and Deva are true friends but after this in the next scene. We are shown a night scene when it is raining and here Deva is locking his house, there is a lot of destruction around Deva's house and inside Deva's house is his mother and he is locking his mother. Is protecting him, but then we see some goons come there and catch Deva. And broke the gate of his house and then they brought his mother out. They take them out and then we see that they try to kill both of them but before those goons can kill Deva and his mother, Vardha comes in a car with some of her people and here we get this.

Salaar: Part 1-Ceasefire Movie Story Explained in English | Prabhas Movie | Exam Target HK Review
It also turns out that these people who want to kill Deva and her mother are actually Vardha's father's people and so as soon as they come here, Vardha tells them all that they are her friends and her mother. But they all tell him that they are just following the law and the law is made by his father, so they have to do it. Hearing this, Vardha also becomes silent, but after some time Vardha leaves her hand. He takes out a thick bangle and gives it to the goon who was killing Gunda Dev and his mother. Vardha tells her that I am a sardar but I am giving my power to you and so you transfer this power to this bangle. Take it to me and leave my friend and his mother. Seeing this the goon does the same. In his greed for power, he takes Vardha's bracelet and wears it and in return releases Deva and his mother. Deva is very happy to see that his friend Vardha has saved his and his mother's life but here Vardha tells him that this place is not at all safe for him and his mother and that is why there is a possibility that he will try to do so. Will do. Kill them again. Let's try and ensure there is no threat to life. Deva agrees to his friend Vardha's advice and starts leaving from there with his mother. But before leaving he makes a promise to his friend Vardha and he tells Vardha. That if Vardha ever needs Deva in her life then he will call him just once and then he will come and at the same time Deva also tells his friend Vardha that he can even kill the whole world for her, that is why He never forgets these words of Deva and then after this Deva leaves from there with his mother and then here Vardha gives a new name to her friend Deva and he names him Salar. 

After this the scene changes. And we see some very dangerous goons, here these people are tracking someone and then they track him and find him and then we come to know that the person whom these people were tracking is none other than Rather these are the people. Rather it is Shruti Hassan. As soon as all these goons come to know about Shruti Hassan, they immediately inform their superiors about her and then we see that their superiors are very big gangsters and they are not only very powerful but also very powerful in their hands. All control is also there. As soon as he comes to know about Shruti Hassan, the big gangster gives this order to all his people and tells everyone that this Shruti Hassan is the daughter of the person whom we want to kill i.e. our enemy but now Because his daughter is coming here to India, so as soon as she comes to India, we will have to take her and then saying this, those good gangsters also send her photo to all their people but at this time Shoti Hasan's father comes to know about this. . It seems that his daughter is going to India and since he himself is in New York at the moment, he calls one of his men in India and asks him to take care of Shruti Hassan and save her from her enemies and bring her back. Are. Somehow send her to some man because he is the only one with whom my daughter can be safe. That man also does the same. 

As soon as Shruti Haasan arrives in India, he immediately kidnaps her and takes her straight to Assam. In Assam, she drops her at a school teacher's house and makes the school teacher believe that the girl is a teacher who wants to teach in her school and then it is here that we come to know that the school teacher is none other than Thakur. This is Deva's mother i.e. Deva and her mother have been living here for many years and along with this, our hero Salar enters here. Now this person has brought Shruti Hassan here because he is Shruti Hassan's father. He knew that the gangsters who are searching for his daughter can catch him anywhere in the country but there is only one man who can save his daughter and that is Deva and that is why he saved his daughter. Hassan has been kept here so that he can hide here for a few days and as soon as the matter cools down, he can leave from here with his daughter and then that is why Shrothi Hassan starts living here as a teacher but then for a few days After that some goons of that big gangster find Shruti Hassan inside Assam and hence they tell their superiors that the girl is also hidden in Assam. 

Only after this, in the second scene of the story, we see an Englishman. Let us see he deals with an Indian man and tells him that he has a truck full of guns which he has to transport from India to Nepal and that too without getting caught by the police and hence the Englishman he talked to. The man also talks directly to the goons of those powerful gangsters and asks them to take this truck from India to Nepal, only after which all those goons put a special stamp on all the containers of that truck. It is like a monster in India and they tell the Englishman that no one can stop this seal in this entire country and then they start taking away his truck, after some time we also see this because as soon as The truck goes a little further and many policemen surround the truck but as soon as the police notice this stamp, the police also run away from there and ask the truck to go and then we come to know that Whoever has this seal is very dangerous and powerful, so much so that even the police and the government are afraid of him. The Superior Gangsters goon who is driving this truck gets a call from his superiors who tell him this. The work he is currently going to Nepal with a truck, he wants to do later but before that he will have to go to Assam because there some of his people have found the girl they were looking for and that is why they want that girl. They should be brought to them as soon as possible, after this all the goons together quickly go to Assam and Shrothi catches Hasan but at the same time Deva and her mother are also there and then they see that all the goons together take him. Shrothi takes Hassan away from there and Thachi Maa asks Deva to go and help the girl after which Deva shows his true form and he kills all those goons very quickly and Deva also Helps him. He also attacks the truck inside which the stamped containers were kept, but seeing this the Englishman, who had the goods, tells his man that at last! You had said that this seal is kept inside this entire country. No one even has the courage to touch these boxes, then who is this person who blew up our boxes, but on asking this much he gets the answer that the person who has made these pillars is this person i.e. that god and then here We also come to know that there are many big secrets hidden inside Deva's history, but here taking advantage of the opportunity, the man who was helping Shruti Hassan, brings her in the car and takes her away. He takes her from there so that she can be safe, but as soon as she goes a little further from there, Shruti Haasan says to the man, what is happening, I do not understand who are these goons? All these people are after me, why do they want to kill me? After all, who are all these gangsters and who is this Deva and why was he brought to Deva? 

After listening to all these questions of the listener Hassan, the man tells him that he knows that he has many questions in his mind and that is why now he is going to answer all these questions one by one. The man begins his story and he tells Hassan, the listener, that it all started thousands of years ago with the Hajj. Years ago there used to be three tribes named Mannar Sho Yang and Gariya and although the people of these three tribes were bandits who used to plunder in wild ways but in reality they were very powerful and dangerous but then after some time those three tribes together Made a place of their own and they named that whole place Khan Saar and then those three tribes together started ruling the whole Khan Saar city. 

During this time many battles took place between them, like external attacks and attacks by the British but those three tribes together killed everyone who came from outside every time, even the British and that is why no one brought their rule. But when the country was captured. After independence in 1947 and in 1950 and 60, when policies were being made regarding the country, the government decided that they would take over Khansa city and take that area under their control, but then when the government decided to do so, When the head of the country, among those three tribes, the Mannar clan rebelled against the government and killed many ministers of the government and never threatened the government, pointed a finger towards Khan Saar, after which the same thing happened again. And the government also did nothing for Khan Saar. After this, when no action was taken, that leader of Mannar clan gradually became the head of the entire Khan Sar and because he was a very great leader, he also gradually brought a lot of development in Khan Sar. Built buildings for Khan Saar, raised a whole army, had his own soldiers, took many weapons for himself and even that leader made many laws for Khan Saar and the name of this leader of Khan Saar was Shiva. It was Mannar. Along with this, Shiv Mannar Khan also created a democratic system within Saar, within which he created a parliament system of his own. Shiva Mannar divided the entire Khan Saar into 101 parts and repeated all those sections. Created a vote power after which he created three systems inside his assembly, first Kapar, second Sardar and third Karta and separate rings were made for these three. In this entire assembly, the number of Kapars was 62, the number of Sardars was eight and the number of Karta was one. The capers were given the power of one vote to represent them, they were all also given a thin bracelet that represented the fact that they were all capers. Next was the Sardar's turn, so one Sardar was given the powers of three votes and hence eight. The eight chieftains have three vote powers which together add up to 24 and all of them were given thick bracelets to represent them but then last comes Karta who got 15 vote powers and that is why his bracelet is also the thickest and Within this entire system, Shiva Mannar himself became the leader of the entire Khan Saar with supreme vote powers. 

All the people of Khan Saar were very happy with this whole arrangement and Shiva Mannar ruled Khan Saar much better but then, after some time, Shiva Mannar died due to natural causes, but after the death of Shiva Mannar everyone All the members of the three tribes and the entire assembly together decided that from now on the head of the Shoya clan would be given the responsibility of Khan Sar. He will be made Karta after which he will lead Khan Sar but Shiva Mannar's son Raj Mannar felt very bad about this and hence he killed the head of Shoya clan so that he could not become Karta and along with this no one from Shoya clan was killed. 

Also to prevent them from rebelling against him, he issued an order to kill the entire Shoya clan, which meant that one of the three tribes living in Khan Sar was now completely destroyed. And then after doing all this, Raj Mannar himself became the executioner of Khan Saar and also to ensure that no one from his assembly could rebel against him, that is why he made most of his family members do so. Shiva Mannar had two wives and had two children from his first wife, a son and a daughter, the elder of whom is KGF star Garuda. Along with this, he also had two sons from his second wife, one of whom was Wardha and the other was Wardha's younger brother. And now if you all have paid attention then you will know that this is the same Vardha who is Deva's friend. Along with this, here we also came to know that Raj Mannar's son Garun is the husband of his younger sister and his daughter i.e. Raj Mannar. His son-in-law and his wife's brother i.e. his brother-in-law, these four members were Sardars in his assembly and he had given this post to his family members but Raj Mannar had not given any post to Vardha but this was because when Vardha was young. Raj Mannar had given the post to Vardha and he had made him Sardar, but if you all remember, in the initial scene of the film, Vardha takes out the same bracelet from his Sardar and hands, it was handed over to that goon. Who had come to kill Deva and his mother and seeing this action of Vardha, Shiva Mannar became angry with him and that is why he did not give him any post after that. Along with all this, Raj Mannar along with his rule also made changes in the law made by his father and changed some laws and also made a law that whoever is powerful can rebel against the Karta and he Can beat or hit and roll. 

Over Khan Saar i.e. the one who is powerful will dominate, with all these laws and his ways, Raj Mannar ruled Khan Saar for 25 years and there was never shortage of anything in his entire kingdom, but then One day suddenly Raj Mannar ruled Khan Sar. He decides that he has to go out of Khan Sar for some important work but just then Raj Mannar's son-in-law comes to him and tells him that it has been done. Long ago he had rejected his son Vardha but now perhaps he wants to marry Vardha. Only after this we see that Raj Mannar becomes emotional after listening to Vardha and here we also come to know that Raj Mannar loves Vardha the most among all his children and along with that whenever he sees Vardha When he sees him, he remembers his father and appoints Daichi. 

As his caretaker on a temporary basis and tells him that she will rule in his place until his return. He calls his son Vardha in and makes Vardha the Sardar by taking the position of Sardar among the eight Sardars and also announces that when he returns he will make his son Vardha the Karta. After which his son Vardha will roll on Khan Saar and then after all this Raj Mannar goes out of Khan Saar for important work but then we see Raj Mannar's son-in-law shows his true colors and Raj Mannar is that person The man from whom he took the post of Sardar and made his son Vardha the Sardar, goes to the same man and starts provoking him by saying that Raj Mannar has wronged him. Now here we also came to know that this man is the same man. He is the son of the man to whom Vardha had given her bracelet in her childhood and had given him the honor of being her Sardar and here Raj Mannar's mother also provokes this man by saying the same thing and says that if he wants then he can give it. He can save his position and for this he just has to kill Vardha. In order to save his chieftainship, the man gets ready to kill Vardha for which he also starts preparing, but on the other hand we also know that it seems that Garun, the elder son of Raja Mannar is also happy with his decision. Very angry.

Now let me tell you that his name in the film is not Garun but I do not remember his real name so we are calling him Garun. He is jealous of the fact that he is the eldest son of Raj Mannar but still Raj Mannar has decided to make his younger brother Vardha the Karta and that is why he also has hatred for Vardha and He tries to kill Vardha. After this everyone comes together against Vardha and they all go together to kill Vardha and they think that they will kill all Vardha so that Vardha never survives. Be a doer. Will get it and they too will never have any problem but then this thing comes to know to Raj Mannar's daughter, the same daughter who was working here temporarily and she comes to know that an attempt is being made to kill Vardha. Although she also hates Vardha but she thinks that her father has given her the responsibility and hence if anything wrong happens under his rule she will lose her father's trust and it is important that she can stop all this. Here we see that all the enemies of Vardha come together to kill Vardha and to kill Vardha they even take her out of the house but as they are about to kill her, Khan Saar of the city. The sound of very big bells starts coming inside and we come to know that this is a ceasefire which can be announced by the creator of Khan Saar and here this ceasefire is announced by the daughter of Raj Mannar. 

Only after this there is a meeting in which everyone is called where Raj Mannar's daughter asks all the enemies of Wardha why they are doing all this but in reply they say that whatever they are doing is Khan Saar. And is under the law of the Raj. Mandar has made this law that whoever is powerful can become a doer by gaining influence inside the mines and they are also trying to do the same. So what is wrong in this but Raj Mannar's daughter knew that whatever is going to happen her father will never be happy and Daichi does not remove the fire but that is why all the enemies of Wardha propose Khan Saar inside the assembly There is also a system of voting and that is why whether there will be ceasefire or not will be decided only by voting, hence it is certain that exactly 9 days from today, voting will be held inside the Assembly in which if more votes are received then the matter will be decided. That if Cease Fire is allowed to be implemented then Cease Fire will remain in force after which no one will be able to fight among themselves but if more votes come in favor that Cease Fire should be removed then Cease Fire will be removed after which no one will be able to fight among themselves. Will not be able to fight even among themselves. Can fight with anyone and can even kill him. 

When it is absolutely decided that after exactly 9 days voting will be held only on ceasefire, then all the enemies of Wardha i.e. Garun and all the others tell about them to other members of the assembly. They try to influence their side through love or threats as per their wish, but all of them have a motive to get more. Vote in your favor by any means so that on the day of voting, more votes come on the issue of extinguishing the fire. It should be lifted so that the ceasefire is lifted and they can hit Wardha and when these people are sure that they will get the ceasefire lifted within the voting, then they all start building their army together because of course, 

Khan's army Khan Saar  is in the hands of the creator of Khan Saar, that is, at present it is in the hands of Raj Mannar's daughter and after the arrival of Raj Mannar, it is in the hands of Raj Mannar, that is why these people use their guns. They buy missiles, bombs and explosives and bring rebel soldiers from many countries and make them their army so that after ten days when these people kill Wardha, if anyone comes to stop them, they can eliminate him too. Let's do all this, Vardha Vardha's younger brother and his friends also see and they also decide that if they all have to survive and win this battle and stay alive, then they will also need their people and They will also have to prepare their own army and then for this Wardha's younger brother asks him where is his army, when will he prepare it and then Wardha Khan leaves Sara and goes straight to a place which is a small place in Gujarat. Is the city. 

He goes to the village and meets his old friend Deva. Coming there, Deva meets his mother and he tells Deva that he needs her help and because Deva had made this promise to his childhood friend Vardha. He said that he will be there for him whenever he calls in his life and will do whatever he wants and Daichi is very angry because he feels that instead of creating a whole army, Wardha has brought only one man who might do the same. There is no use, but what is the real reality, we and you know it because the person who has brought Wardha is better than any army because he is a Salar, only after this everyone gets ready and we wait for the direct voting. And then that day comes when the voting takes place on a see-saw but fortunately on the same day Vardha's father Raj Mannar also comes and votes for Khan Saar by 15 votes and that is why when the voting takes place. When this happens, first of all more voting comes for lifting the ceasefire but then as soon as Raj Mannar casts his vote, due to his 15 votes the entire voting becomes equal and hence the last vote is left for Wardha. And also now everything depends on Wardha whether it wants to keep the ceasefire in force or wants to remove it. 

Wardha's father Raj Mannar feels that Wardha will keep the ceasefire in effect and will even vote for it to be lifted. Once the ceasefire is implemented no one will fight and then my son Wardha will replace me and rule Khan Saar normally but Wardha does something different because Wardha votes to lift the ceasefire and then gets more votes to lift the ceasefire that's why Inside Khan Saar the ceasefire is lifted but seeing this Vardha's father Raj Mannar also feels very good and he wonders why Vardha did this but then here in the story we see the same. Vardha and Dev have already decided that now Vardha will not be afraid of anyone else and now he will fight with all his enemies by removing the fire of the sea and together with Dev will eliminate all of them, only after this in the present time Garuda and all those people who were against Vardha all get ready with their team and army and start the war, but here now Vardha was also ready with Deva, there are many attacks on Vardha and in those attacks Vardha And Deva together kills all of them and saves them. Their lives but we see that this is the beginning of their fight but on the other hand we see that Raj Mannar is with his daughter. 

But at that very moment a man attacks Raj Mannar, due to which Raj Mannar escapes from the attack and catches him and injures him and when he asks him who he is and why did he attack him? The man makes a big revelation in front of Raj Mannar. He tells Raj Mannar that he is from the Shoya clan, that is, the same clan whose chief was made chief by Khan Sar many years ago, but Raj Mannar had killed him and along with him his entire clan. . were also destroyed, but when Rajamannar's men were killing the entire clan, at the same time he hid many of his children so that the lives of all those children were saved and he is one of those children. Along with this he also tells that Rajamannar's son-in-law is also Shoyang and like him there are hundreds of Shoyas alive who have been preparing for war for many years and now they are going to destroy the entire Sultanate of Rajamannar. And in this way they will take revenge of their parents and their clan and along with this they will also tell all the kings of Mannar that the head of our clan whom they have killed will also be killed. 

People had also gone to kill his son and his wife but his son and his wife's lives were saved and then here we also came to know that the wife and son of the head of the Shoya clan he was talking about. There is none other than Deva and his mother, i.e. Deva is the child who was the son of the head of the Shoya clan, i.e. the one who was killed by Raj Mannar, i.e. the one who killed Deva's father is none other than his most beloved Is a person. Friend Wardha's father's name is Raj Mannar and also the man here also says to Raj Mannar that you killed our chief who was going to become the leader of Chief Khan Saar and now because Deva is his son so now he Our leader is Kabila. He is the head of Khan Saar and in fact he is also the real leader of Khan Saar i.e. the real leader of Khan Saar. Only after this Raj Mannar talks to his daughter and he also tells his daughter that some time ago when he met Khan Saar, he had gone out for a very important work, actually he had to The news was received that there is someone inside Khan Sar who had ordered huge quantity of guns and bombs and that is why he knew that there is someone inside Khan Sar who wants to bring rebellion in Khan Sar and then here we come to know that Raj Mannar who He is absolutely right because Khan Saar is a council member who is also very close to Raj Mannar. Almost he himself has collected a huge amount of guns, missiles and bombs inside Khan Saar and now he is also preparing to attack Khan Saar but then the film ends here. 

The movie has ended here but it has opened up a big future for part two and the upcoming sequels and now we are going to see a lot of big battles so according to me they will be just that. Also, we all have seen inside Salaar Part One Cease Fire, it was just a trailer of this entire franchise because the real destruction is going to happen ahead, so friends, this was the post, how did you all like this post on the story of Salaar movie and Its end. Please let me know in the comments and if you all have any other recommendations, you can also do so in the comments. If you want to share the post, then share more. Share as much as possible and you all keep laughing and smiling like this, I will meet you all in another such great post, till then goodbye.
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