Harda Factory Blast News: Who is IAS officer Mal Singh Bhadiya? After whose decision the firecracker factory was running

Who is Mal Singh Bhadiya? Who is mal singh bhayadiya IAS?, harda blast news, harda blast reason,

The unfortunate firecracker factory explosion in Harda district has not only caused loss of innocent lives but has also given rise to many administrative questions. At the center of this incident is IAS officer Mal Singh Bhadiya, whose decision gave a new direction to the entire matter. Let us know in detail who Mal Singh is and what was his role in this incident.

Who is Mal Singh Bhadiya?

Mal Singh Bhadiya, a 2006 batch IAS officer, is currently the Commissioner of Indore division. His career has been notable in various administrative roles, including his service as Commissioner of Bhopal.

He is an experienced and respected administrative officer, whose decisions have often impacted various sectors of the society.

Background of Harda factory incident

After the explosion in the firecracker factory located in Bairagarh in Harda district, in which 11 people died, questions are being raised on the entire administration and safety standards. Notably, when this factory was inspected in 2022 and declared unfit, the Collector ordered to seal it. However, the then Commissioner of Narmadapuram division Mal Singh Bhadiya put a stay on this order.

Mal Singh Bhadiya's clarification

After putting a stay on the Collector's order to seal the factory, Mal Singh clarified that this matter is two-two and a half years old and he had given instructions to settle it as per the rules. He told that due to Diwali being near, he had given stay till the next appearance, but had not given instructions to open the factory completely.

Investigation and further steps

After the blast, the state government has formed a three-member committee to investigate the matter, whose chairman is Sanjay Dubey, Principal Secretary of the Home Department. This committee will submit its report to the state government after completing its investigation.

This entire episode has not only thrown light on the process of administrative decision making, but has also shown how a single decision can lead to major disasters. The role of Mal Singh Bhadiya and his decisions are one of the important aspects of this incident, which are being thoroughly investigated and reviewed.


Question 1: What is Harda factory explosion?

Answer: There was an explosion in a firecracker factory in Harda district, killing 11 people. This incident raises serious questions on the adherence to administrative and security standards.

Question 2: Who is Mal Singh Bhadiya?

Amswer: Mal Singh Bhadiya is a 2006 batch IAS officer, who is currently the Commissioner of Indore Division. He was the commissioner of Narmadapuram division at the time of this incident.

Question 3: Why did Mal Singh Bhadiya give permission to reopen the factory?

Answer: Mal Singh had not given instructions to open the factory completely. He had given stay till the next appearance due to the proximity of Diwali and for disposal as per rules.

Question 4: Who is investigating the factory explosion?

Answer: The state government has constituted a three-member committee to investigate the matter, headed by Sanjay Dubey, principal secretary of the home department.

5. What steps have been taken after the factory explosion?

Answer: After this incident, the state government has formed a committee to investigate. This committee has to submit its report to the state government after completion of the investigation.

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