Blackwater Punishment- Complete History about Cellular Jail

Kala Pani Jail – Complete History about Cellular Jail (Kala Pani Cellular Jail)

There are many such laws in Indian law according to which the criminals who commit crimes are given equal punishment for the crimes committed by them, in which the most dangerous punishment is considered to be the punishment of Kala Pani. Today we will tell you about such a punishment, on hearing its name, every criminal trembles and thinks a hundred times before committing a crime. Yes, today we are talking about the punishment of black water which is given in the cellular jail like the one built in Andaman Nicobar.

Kala Pani cellular jail

  • Name black water (cellular jail)
  • construction started 1896
  • construction completed 1906
  • who built it British Government
  • place Andaman Nicobar Islands

What is the punishment for black water ?

In fact, Cellular Jail was earlier known as Kala Pani Punishment because it was a jail built by the British from where it was impossible for any prisoner to escape. In the Cellular Jail, the prisoners were given such severe punishment that they were not able to escape from there and the second jail was built in such a way that it would never be possible for anyone to escape from there.

The Cellular Jail was built by the British during the first revolution of 1857 . It took more than 10 years to build this jail. This jail has been built in Port Blair, the capital of Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

History of Cellular Jail

  • Reconstruction of the Cellular Jail was started in 1896 and was completed by 1906.
  • This jail was prepared by the British government to keep Indian revolutionaries in this jail. It took about 10 years and Rs 8 lakh to build this jail.
  • The name of the architect who completely constructed this jail was McClure.
  • When this jail was completely constructed, for the first time 200 revolutionaries were brought to this jail, who were carrying the torch of the freedom movement in the entire country.
  • At the time of construction of this jail, there used to be a jailer in it whose name was David. He has been the most harsh jailer till date who has given punishments like hell to the prisoners.
  • This gel was named Cellular Gel because many cells have been made in it and its shape is made like a starfish. Starfish has four legs. Similarly, in this cellular gel too, different parts have been made and each There is a three-storey jail in this part.
  • Gradually, the remaining four parts of this jail were destroyed, some due to land subsidence and some due to earthquake, hence at present only three of its wings are left.
  • In this, prisoners were kept in different cells, like there was a cell where the punishment of people was decided and till they were not punished, they were given good food and good living. There was no torture of any kind on them.
  • Some rules were made in this jail according to which a religious place was created where the criminals could go and read scriptures according to their religion and their last wish was fulfilled according to their religion and only according to their religion. His last rites were also performed.
  • A hanging room was also built in the Cellular Jail, in which a room was built at the bottom in which the dead bodies of the hanged persons lay, which were taken out and burnt.
  • There is no record of how many people were hanged by the British government so far because they burnt or destroyed all the records there before leaving.
  • There are at least 694 jails inside this jail whose size is 5*2.7 meters. Only one prisoner was kept in each prison and the prison was constructed in such a way that one prisoner could neither talk to nor see another prisoner.
  • If any jailer or guard caught sight of a prisoner talking to another prisoner, they were given severe punishment.
  • The names of the revolutionaries who spent time in that jail at that time, along with their photos, are also kept on those jails. The name of that jail is now recognized only by the names of those revolutionaries.
  • As soon as you enter the jail entrance, there is an open field in front. Where two types of lights have been made, one of which is for the martyrs who were martyred while staying in the Cellular Jail, that light is kept burning continuously for 24 hours.
  • On the front side of this flame, a martyrdom memorial has been made of white marble, which was built in the memory of the martyred fighters all over India. Earlier there used to be a wooden hospital at this place, which was demolished and later a martyr's memorial was constructed.
  • Anyone can see the history of Cellular Jail with their own eyes because a stage has been built in Cellular Jail where a lighting show takes place and the entire history related to Cellular Jail is shown to the audience or the tourists visiting there through that lighting show. goes.
  • There is also a very old Peepal tree in this cellular jail. The tree which was planted by the British Government is more than 100 years old.
  • This prison is built on an island so the walls around the prison are very small. Its height is only 3 meters from which any prisoner can easily escape but there is only water all around that prison. Even if someone tries to run away, he will just fall into the water and it is impossible to cross the water by swimming.
  • The British government had made many such weapons through which they used to punish criminals. Those weapons are still on display in the Cellular Jail.
  • All the bricks of this building were brought from Burma, which are completely red. Burma is now known as Myanmar. The British Government had got some construction of Cellular Jail done by the artisans, but gradually they also got it constructed by the prisoners brought there i.e. Indian freedom fighters.
  • During the Second World War, in 1942, Japan occupied the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, after which all the British soldiers present there were killed.
  • After capturing it, the Japanese completely destroyed two of its sections and built a bunker there.
  • When India gained independence after the Second World War ended, India took over Andaman and Nicobar, after which everything present there was developed as a government museum.
  • This Cellular Jail is witness to the atrocities committed on many famous freedom fighters including Veer Damodar Savarkar , Baburao Savarkar, Gopal Bhai Parmanand, Vaman Rao Joshi, Sohan Singh, Batukeshwar Dutt, Yogendra Shukla, Maulana Fazal e Haq Khairabadi etc.
  • After clearing the broken blocks around the Cellular Jail, Govind Ballabh Pant Hospital was established there in 1963. At present, it provides free treatment to all the patients where more than five hundred beds and more than 60 doctors are serving.
  • This jail narrates the history of India's freedom fighters, to see which lakhs of tourists go to Andaman Nicobar every year and appreciate the history of India and pay their respects to the freedom fighters.

The punishment of black water is equal to the punishment of hell.

  • The punishment of Kala Pani was said to be so dangerous because the prisons there used to give very severe punishment to the prisoners.
  • Like the bulls of a crusher, they were used to extract oil. If any criminal committed a mistake, he was given a different form of punishment. He was whipped so much that he could neither sit nor rest. Could sleep with. This punishment was given to them by tying them with a belt on a flocking frame.
  • The British used to do all this to break the morale of the Indian revolutionaries. The criminal who committed more mistakes or went against them was given death sentence.
  • Three types of shackles were made for the prisoners living there, out of which the first type of shackles was like a chain which was completely flexible. But the second type of shackle was tied to the hands, legs and knees due to which the person could not even sit up. And the third most difficult shackle that was made was made to be worn by the person who was to be given the harshest punishment, with which he could not even walk properly, let alone sit up.
  • The criminals living there were made to work day and night. Various atrocities were committed there and on them by the soldiers and jailers present there.

Our freedom fighters have always made huge sacrifices for the country. One of which was to serve his sentence in Cellular Jail. In 1938, Mahatma Gandhi and Rabindranath Tagore, through their hard efforts, forced the jailer of Cellular Jail to release all the prisoners. Fed up with the atrocities being committed by the British, 238 prisoners tried to escape from there on 6 March 1868, but as we said, there was sea and water all around the jail, due to which they were soon caught. Out of which one prisoner committed suicide out of fear and 87 prisoners were sentenced to death by the jailer there because they tried to escape from there by breaking their rules and regulations.

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