What is 'Green Islam: Why is Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim country, taking this step?

Islamic beliefs that are environmentally conscious are being promoted in Indonesia. This ideology has been named 'Green Islam'. In today's times, when the entire world is facing serious impacts of climate change, such as floods in Kenya and extreme rainfall in Dubai, 'Green Islam' can prove to be an important initiative. Due to the Muslim population of Indonesia being more than 231 million, it is the largest Muslim majority country in the world. The country is also a major exporter of palm oil and coal. However, now a new public awareness campaign for environmental protection has started in Indonesia. A new type of Islam is being appreciated in Indonesia called 'Green Islam', an ideology that emphasizes environmental awareness. The severe effects of climate change are being seen across the world, examples of which are the floods in Kenya and torrential rains in Dubai. Through this new direction, Indonesia is strengthening its role towards addressing the climate crisis.

What is 'Green Islam: Why is Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim country, taking this step?

Initiative to draw attention towards environmental protection

Nasruddin Omar, the Grand Imam of the Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, not only imparts the teachings of Islam but also plays an active role in spreading environmental awareness. His sermons reach thousands of listeners and make people understand the importance of being environmentally conscious. He said, “A great weakness of humans has been that we have seen the Earth as just an object. The more we become greedy towards nature, the faster the doomsday will approach.” According to Nasruddin Omar, one-fourth of the world's Muslim population can play an important role in protecting the environment. His suggestion is that just as Muslims offer Namaz daily, they should also develop the habit of planting trees.

New environmental protection initiative in Istiqlal Mosque: Solar panels and water recycling

Nasruddin Omar, the grand imam of Jakarta's main Istiqlal mosque, not only preaches but also leads by example. He ordered cleaning of the mess around the mosque and installed solar panels and water recycling systems to reduce the mosque's high electricity bills. These eco-friendly measures earned Istiqlal Mosque the title of the world's first 'Green Place of Worship' by the World Bank. Nasruddin Omar explains that he is following the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed, who ordered Muslims to take care of nature. Apart from them, other Muslims in Indonesia, a country with a population of more than 200 million, are also raising awareness towards the environment through Islam. However, some local clerics view environmentalism as non-religious and some surveys show that many Indonesians believe that human activities do not cause climate change.

Jakarta's Istiqlal Mosque: Nasreddin Omar's pioneering initiative in environmental protection

Nasruddin Omar, the grand imam of Jakarta's main Istiqlal mosque, has set an example not just in preaching but also in action. Along with ordering the cleanup of unhygienic conditions in the area adjacent to the mosque, he also addressed rising electricity bills by installing solar panels and a water recycling system. This mosque has received the title of 'World's First Green Place of Worship' from the World Bank for these eco-friendly measures. Nasruddin Omar believes that he is following the teachings of Prophet Mohammed, who instructed him to take care of nature. In Indonesia's vast population, he and other Muslims are raising environmental awareness through Islam. Although some local clerics view environmentalism as outside of religious teachings, and according to some surveys, many Indonesians also believe that human activities are not the cause of climate change.

What is the importance of green color in Islam?

Green has special significance in Islam, and is one of the most symbolic and revered colors of the religion. Green color is considered a symbol of the purity of life and nature in Islam. It represents fertility, prosperity and greenery, symbolizing hope for life in the barren desert landscape.

Green is mentioned as an auspicious and sacred color in many Islamic texts and hadiths. Heaven is believed to be described at times with green images, such as a state of religious spiritual bliss in green valleys and green robes.

The Prophet Mohammed is also sometimes described as wearing green clothes, and green is said to be a particular favorite of his. Additionally, many mosques and Islamic shrines are decorated with green tiles and sheets, further adding to the sanctity and importance of this color.

Thus, the color green in Islam not only symbolizes spirituality and peace, but it also represents prosperity and meaningful renewal of life.

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