Story on dowry system | Dahej Pratha Par Kahani

Story: Dowry can never guarantee happiness (Dahej Pratha Par Kahani)

A beautiful girl, Anamika, completes her graduation in college when she meets a boy, Rahul. Rahul is also a very smart and obedient son of his parents. Both start liking each other. Both of them complete their graduation and Rahul starts working in his city and the girl is also doing a good job. Both of them decided that now the time has come to talk to their parents about marriage but the problem is that both of them have different castes, Anamika is Brahmin and Rahul is Rajput.

In Rahul's society, dowry is very important which is in cash, apart from that many types of gifts and jewelery are also demanded. Rahul explained this situation to Anamika and said, convince the family members, if you fulfill all the demands then my parents will make you sit on their eyelids. Anamika told this to her parents. Anamika's parents did not like this but Anamika was adamant that if you give me dowry, my respect will increase. Anamika's parents were capable and could give a lot to Anamika even without asking, but they did not like people demanding dowry like this. But the parents wanted Anamika's happiness. They were afraid that their daughter might think that they did not want to give anything to their daughter. Therefore, they agreed to all the conditions.

In the marriage, Rahul was given 50 lakhs in cash along with car, flat, furniture, jewelery was also given to Anamika and gifts and clothes were also given to all the relatives. The marriage was done with great pomp and show, no stone was left unturned.

Anamika had this feeling in her mind that despite the caste being different, her parents got her married according to her in-laws. Anamika believed that she would be kept as a daughter. He will be given the same love that his parents gave him because he has respected his in-laws.

Anamika bid farewell to her in-laws' house. Brahmin girl became the daughter-in-law of a Rajput family. There was a lot of purdah system in the in-laws' house. The daughter-in-law did not even have the freedom to eat whatever she wanted. No matter how hungry she is, the daughter-in-law of the house will eat only after everyone else has finished eating. She was not even allowed to sit in front of the men of the house.

Anamika objected to this but no one listened to her. Rahul also turned away saying that this is a tradition. Anamika's pride was dashed. She remembered what her parents had said when they explained that she had fought with them a lot and decided to talk to her in-laws. Anamika spoke to her mother-in-law, father-in-law and husband but they did not listen and she was beaten very brutally.

Anamika had never seen such behaviour. The dowry she was proud of had been shattered to pieces. Anamika was feeling shy even to talk to her parents and one day in this dilemma, Anamika committed suicide.

When the parents came to know about this, they realized their mistake and if they had understood in time, their daughter would have been with them. Those who marry their sons on the basis of dowry, their thinking is small in every way. Those who can auction their sons, how could they make someone else's daughter their own?

Dowry can never be the key to happiness. Everyone has to understand this. You must have read in the story of this dowry system that not only the parents but also the thinking of the girl was supporting dowry. Many times girls become proud of dowry. But people who are greedy can never be good, everyone needs to understand this.

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